what are your questions about growing your audience?

Hi there Reader,

This week we're running a new email series on Media & PR for artists. If you don't want to read this series, click here and we'll remove you.

What are your questions about growing your audience through media & PR opportunities?

Hit reply and let me know - I'll respond to you directly and your questions will inform our upcoming series.

Media & PR Resources

In the meanwhile, here’s a few resources that we’ve published in the past that are relevant to media & PR for artists.

We didn’t plan it this way, but last week’s podcast episode with Gwenn Seemel, where she talked about how she grows her art business without any of the big social media platforms, was a timely release, coinciding with yesterday’s post about Eric Jackson’s success with media outreach and press releases.

Marie Sand is an artist who knows how to land articles about her work. She’s landed articles in France, Finland, the USA and other places around the world. She wrote a great introduction blog post here on How to Pitch Journalists & Influencers.

In Escaping Art World Camelot, we break down how art-world mythmaking happens. Creating a story about yourself and your art is the key marketing step in becoming a successful artist with a business that endures over time. People need an emotional story they can latch onto and repeat to their friends and family.

Mentioned in that Escaping Art World Camelot piece, Jessica Singerman has done a great job landing media opportunities. Read more about Jessica here. Bonus: read Jessica’s advice on art making in The Ultimate Guide to Developing a Studio Practice.

If you’re looking for some practical steps on how to get started pitching to influencers, we’ve run a number of public challenges in the past. We’re not leading a challenge this time around, but you can learn about what other artists have done here and sign up for a free five day self-guided challenge here. Bonus: check out what Natasha Kohli did with her media outreach efforts here.

That’s a pretty good rundown of what’s available!



PS. In the next email, we’re going to break down some cool media kits to show you what works.

The Abundant Artist: How to Sell Your Art

I've been helping artists learn how to sell their art since 2009. Join our email list for tips on selling fine art, email, social media, and marketing strategy.

Read more from The Abundant Artist: How to Sell Your Art

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Cory on The Online Course Guy

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