what's in the Media & PR for Artists course?

Hi there Reader,

The last 10 days, we’ve been talking a lot about PR and media relations for artists. We’ve covered what a good media kit looks like, how other artists grow their audience without social media, and dug into Eric Jackson’s story about the 100 Shores art project. Check out our latest podcast episode where you can hear him telling his story in his own words here.

(BTW - Don’t want to hear more about PR & Media outreach? Click here and we’ll remove you from this series.)

The doors are now open for the next round of our course, Media & PR for Artists. It starts on Monday the 8th. Enrollment deadline is this Saturday, May 6, or until we sell all of the spots, whichever comes first.

If you’d like to join us, click here: https://theabundantartist.com/htsyao301/

If you need more info about what’s in the course, keep reading!

What’s Inside Media & PR for Artists

Module 1: Promotion Principles

Does the process of reaching out to journalists and bloggers mystify you, leaving you with no idea what to say? In this module, we will show you what to promote that gets media attention and how to build your promotion list.

Module 2: Materials That Get Attention

We will teach you how to put together a press kit, a handy tool that you can refer to over and over again when you are asked for contact info, images, and other press materials.

Includes real example press kits, press releases, and pitches from successful artists, including several who have completed this course in the past.

Module 3: How to Identify and Leverage Influencers

Beyond journalists and bloggers, the world is full of influencers, celebrities, social media mavens, and other people who have massive influence with your ideal collector audience. We will show you how to research, identify, and reach out to your influencers to get them to share your art with their audiences so you can keep leveraging other people’s people.

You will begin reaching out to journalists, bloggers, and other media organizations to pitch your stories. We will teach you how to understand media editorial calendars, submission processes, and the difference between pitching magazines, blogs, tv shows, and other media.

Module 4: Social Media & Coordination

In this module, we will walk you through how to ask for social media shares, how to turn your website into a social media sharing machine using viral marketing tools, and how to make your images more shareable so you can turn your fan base into an evangelizing army bringing you more website traffic and sales.

We will also show you how to coordinate your campaigns to bring the maximum effect all at once. The best PR efforts make sure that all of your marketing works together in a coordinated fashion.

A few additional FAQ’s

Do I have to take HTSYAO 101 or 201?

No, you don’t have to take our other courses first. The only requirements for the course are that you have a solid body of work to sell, and that you have a decent idea of how to tell the story of your art. The course will be more effective if you have an email list and an ecommerce website set up, but you can make it work without those things.

Is the material from the course covered in your book, How to Sell Your Art Online?

Think of the book as an overview of what's possible to do in online marketing for art. It's only 200 pages, so there's not enough room to give the level of detail necessary for all of it. What we cover in the course is far more in-depth. On top of that, the course gives a framework for taking action - which is the more important aspect. There’s live coaching, a workbook, templates for emails and tracking contacts, and videos on how to use all of it.

We also offer in the course an online community where you can ask questions, along with weekly coaching calls where we talk through some of the challenges students are having. Those optional calls are on Mondays at 2 PM Pacific Time, and are recorded so everyone can listen/watch.

Ready to go? Sign up by clicking here: https://theabundantartist.com/htsyao301/

Cory Huff

P.S. Still have questions about the course? Hit reply and let me know!

The Abundant Artist: How to Sell Your Art

I've been helping artists learn how to sell their art since 2009. Join our email list for tips on selling fine art, email, social media, and marketing strategy.

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