What’s your biggest challenge in your art business?

Hi Reader

If you caught yesterday's webinar with Artplacer on websites for artists, I hope you got a lot out of it. Our Instagram got blown up with a bunch of stories of people sharing stories about it, so that was fun.

When people first subscribe to our email list, they get an auto-response email that asks them what their biggest challenge is when it comes to selling their art.

I read them all, and reading those for years led me to creating our Start Here page which links to blog posts that directly answer artists’ most common questions about getting started.

Here’s some recent sample challenges (edited for length/clarity) with my responses:

How do I get started selling my art? I’m brand new at this.

Response: check out our Start Here page, specifically the Art Marketing Basics section. If you’ve never done anything like this, the articles linked in that section will help you know what to do.

How can I reach some AirBnb hosts to show off my work?

Response: the obvious answer is to look up your local listings and reach out to hosts directly, but YMMV on whether you get reported to AirBnb for solicitation. ;)

Beyond that, I’d recommend starting with Houzz.com and our guide to working with interior designers.

I’m not a natural marketer. How do I get people to notice me?

Response: at the heart of it, good marketing is just telling a good story about your art. Here's a blog post on one way to do that.

My biggest challenge right now is getting a website up and running.

There are lots of options for building a website that don't require developing technical skills. This blog post has a guide on how to pick the right artist website builder.




…we have 1,000+ published articles on TheAbundantArtist.com and I sometimes think we’ve covered almost everything, it’s just sometimes hard to know what you need to read.

So…what’s your biggest challenge when it comes to selling your art right now?

Bonus question: how has that changed over the last year, if at all?

I’ll try to respond to everyone’s emails - but it might take a minute. :)

That’s it for today!


PS. How to Sell Your Art Online 101 starts its next live sessions on June 26. Enrollment is open now at this link: https://theabundantartist.com/htsyao101

The Abundant Artist: How to Sell Your Art

I've been helping artists learn how to sell their art since 2009. Join our email list for tips on selling fine art, email, social media, and marketing strategy.

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